
Information about the project, links, hyperlinks, contents, pictures, images, and videos maps (collectively refereed as "Advertisement") are purely indicative in nature & are the artist's conception & not actual depictions of buildings, landscapes, etc. & conditions may be altered at any time of the soul discretion of the company or as may be required under applicable laws including RERA (Real Estate Regulation Authority Act) & all other approvals& permissions & should not be considered as our offer/Promises, the commitment of any nature in respect of the said projects.

The company does not promise, a warranty that the site/web page presently reflects the latest amendments /information and it is generally advised that the recommendations or information on this website is not and should not be regarded as legal or real estate advice.

Investors should seek their own legal or real estate advice where appropriate.

Information about projects is only indicative and is in no manner binding, artist's impressions, interiors, lighting, etc. are shown as illustrations & for reference purposes only.

The final price of the unit/product & the product does not include these items in. any manner whatsoever.

The Company reference the rights to alter amend & or vary the Lay Out plans Specifications, and or Features subject to the approval of the authorities without prior notice, reference, or obligation.

The particulars contained about the details of the projects /developments being undertaken of the company including all/any depicting banners, posters, advertisements, etc. are being modified in terms of the stimulations /recommendations under "RERA 2016" & rules made there under & accordingly may not be fully in line thereof as of dates.

You are required to verify all the details including Area, Amenities, Service, term of sales & payments & other relevant terms independently with the company /their sales staff/team prior to concluding any decision for buying any unit(s) in the said project.

The said information will not be construed as a commitment on the part of the company.

To find out more about the project/development, please telephone us or visit the sales office or contact the sales team during working hours.

The information does not constitute part of an offer or contract.

The recipients or user(s) are responsible to evaluate the accuracy, completeness & usefulness of any opinion, advice, service, or other Information provided.

All information is distributed with the understanding that the author, publisher & distributors are not rendering professional service or advice or opinions on facts or matters, and assumes no liability whatsoever in connection therewith.

You may ask your own legal or tax adviser or real estate experts.

While efforts are made to provide correct information, however, the same shall not be treated as a service or assistance of any nature.

Any recipient or user of any information or material from this site/web page may avail of the same entirely at his /her own cost & consequences, thereof.......